fredag den 7. oktober 2011

Introducing a little about myself

I have been asked by Linnea to write a little about myself before your visit to my work in Second Life.

I regard myself as a visual artist with primal focus on interactive art and video art, often involving sounds in various ways.  In my work I try to link technology with conceptualisation in art and at times philosophical discourses.

After having done a couple of CD-ROMs and several net artworks, I was asked by TaggingArt to participate in their project Virtual Moves.  This introduced me to Second Life, the first virtual world I've ever visited.

The work I created for TaggingArt is an interactive sound installation for avatars called "N00sphere Playground."  After the exhibition at the National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst), this work became permanently installed at HUMlab's SL sim of Umeå University, Sweden.  The work at the moment is also rebuilt on another sim for a Japanese festival, waiting for its re-launch.  This also includes a launch of my new SL work "Seduction." For more information, please visit:

My activities in Second Life also includes being the principal curator for an artist residency (Yoshikaze "Up-in-the-Air" Residency) at HUMlab sim for Umeå University.  Since its start in May last year, we have had 5 SL artists completing their residencies and now our 6th artist-in-residence is spending her time at the Yoshikaze spot.  More info on the residency programme can be found here:

My RL activities encompass a wider range, from interactive live-video performance to sound art installation.  In addition, I am the editor-in-chief for an online journal on new media (, curated video screenings, as well as being a consultant for exhibitions with machinima from Second Life.

More information on my activities: and
My CV:
(sorry a little outdated)
Some of my videos can be found here:

In my free time, I write some essays that touch wider cultural issues. These are published at

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Sachiko Hayashi

4. undervisningsgang

Hvad er en netkurator og hvad vil det sige at udstille i et virtuelt rum? Vi vil diskutere en ny kuratorisk praksis der er opstået med de nye medier, og hvad det kræver at forholde sig til virtuelle rum som udstillingsrum.

Kl. 9:
Godmorgen. Diskussion om de læste tekster. Kort gennemgang af udstillingen Virtual Moves i SL /Statens Museum for Kunst (2008) og om Sachiko Hayashi.

Kl. 10:
Guidet tour rundt i mediekunstneren Sachiko Hayashi (alias Goodwind Seiling) i Second Life. Hun vil vise os sit værk N00sphere Playground i en ny opsætning på den japanske festival Jazz and Arts.

Kl. 11:
Status på udstillingsprojekterne.Hvem har fundet sammen i en gruppe, hvem savner samarbejdspartnere, organisering af den store gruppe. Der er mulighed for at arbejde videre i grupper. Hvis den store gruppe endnu ikke har mødtes med Hilde, kan I gøre jer nogle tanker om hvad I vil arbejde med til eksamen.


Playground i SL (kræver at I har en avatar i SL)
Læs om Sachiko
Hayashis artist recidency i SL
Sachiko Hayashis avatar Goodwind Seilings blog

Blog til udstillingen Virtual
Moves (N00sphere Playground blev udstillet første gang her)

Anne-Marie (2003).Fluidities and Oppositions among Curators, Filter Feeders, and Future Artists. Webartikel. .

Krysa, Joasia (2008), ‘Distributed Curating and Immateriality’, in Christiane Paul
New Media in the White Cube and Beyond. Curatorial Models for Digital Art, Berkeley: University California Press.

Christiane (2007).The Myth of Immateriality: Presenting and Preserving New Media. I Oliver Grau (red.), Mediaarthistories: 251-274. MIT Press, Cambridge. (Skannet tekst).